HUB Energy – What to do when your energy supplier goes bust?


Despite their best efforts, HUB Energy, formerly named Gulf Gas and Power, has gone out of business and is no longer trading as an energy supplier in the UK. As of August, 2021 all of Hub Energy's customers have been transitioned to E.ON Next, who will continue to honor existing contracts that Hub Energy customers until their expiration. However, Hub Energy customers will not be able to renew these contracts once expired and will need to select an E.ON Next tariff or switch to a new supplier.
Last update: November 2022

What happened to HUB Energy?

As mentioned above, all HUB Energy customers have been switched to E.ON Next. This switch began in August, 2021. HUB Energy did not have sufficient credit to cover the cost of trading gas and electricity to its customers. Therefore Ofgem announced that E.ON Next would take over all its current customers.
If you were a HUB Energy customer, your energy supply will not be cut off during this transition period. However, Ofgem has stated that to switch to a new supplier, customers will have to wait until they are officially E.ON Next customers. This process could take several weeks, so customers are urged to be patient while the situation is sorted out.

HUB Energy
Founded 2017
Closed August, 2021
Client Email Not available, contact form only
Customer Service Number 0800 830 3670
Postal Address 3B Edward VII Quay, Navigation Way, Preston, PR2 2YF

What should HUB Energy customers do?

The first thing HUB Energy customers should do is reach out to E.ON Next, even if you do not plan to stay with E.ON Next as your supplier going forward, it is an important part of the process to confirm you are an official customer. Once contact has been made you can either discuss with them the tariff offerings that they have for new customers. Alternatively, if you are sure that you do not want E.ON Next as your energy supplier you could switch suppliers with the assistance of our experts!

Do I need to cancel my existing tariff plan?

No, for now all existing tariff plans that are under a contracted length of time are being honored by E.ON Next. However, once these contracts expire you will not be able to renew them. You will either have to select an E.ON Next tariff plan or switch suppliers.

What should I do if you want to switch suppliers?

Just because you were automatically switched to E.ON Next for your energy supplier does not mean that they are the best option for you and certainly does not mean that you have to stay with them as your supplier. Instead you can use our comparison tools to find the best possible supplier that will match your needs.

Transitioning to E.ON NEXT

E.On Next is subsidiary of E.ON Energy that focuses on green and renewable energy. It has a number of tariff options for customers and aims to reduce the impact their business has on the environment.

E.ON Next Tariffs

E.ON Energy and E.ON Next offer a variety of tariff options that are intended to cover all the potential needs for their customers. Below you can find the average annual total costs of their most popular energy tariff plans, but more options can be found on the E.ON tariff page.

Below you can find the cost information associated with the most popular tariffs.

Plan name Tariff type Is the tariff live? Average electricity annual cost (£/year) Average gas annual cost (£/year) Average total annual cost (£/year) Exit fees (£/fuel) Green tariff?**
/ Standard Variable £ 754.666* £ 640.42* £ 1,395.090* £ 0.000 ✖️
/ Fixed - 12 months £ 633.727* £ 493.15* £ 1,126.877* £ 0.00 ✖️
/ Fixed - 24 months £ 1,110.256* £ 1,285.58* £ 2,395.840* £ 0.00 ✖️
/ Prepayment Variable £ 710.833* £ 625.20* £ 1,336.034* £ 0.00 ✖️

* Prices vary from one city to another, so we display national averages
* Based on 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year on average
** $Green_tariff_def_Eon$
Including 5% of VAT.

EON Variable Rate Tariffs

Eon has a standard tariff for variable tariffs. The advantage of a variable tariff is the flexibility to change tariffs. However, this comes at a price, namely the possibility of higher tariffs if the market price is higher.

The costs associated with this tariff can be seen here:

Plan name Tariff type Type of fuel Is the tariff live? Standing charge (p/day) Unit rate cost (p/kWh) Average total annual cost (£/year) Exit cost (£/fuel) Green tariff?**
/ Standard Variable Electricity 29.48 p* 22.31 p* £ 754.666* £ 0.000 ✖️
/ Standard Variable Gas 30.78 p* 4.40 p* £ 640.42* £ 0.000 ✖️

* Prices vary from one city to another, so we display national averages
* Based on 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year on average
** $Green_tariff_def_Eon$
Including 5% of VAT.

Eon Fixed Rate Tariffs

We have an overview of Eon's several fixed rate tariff plans down below.

The pricing on these tariffs can be seen here:

Plan name Tariff type Type of fuel Is the tariff live? Standing charge (p/day) Unit rate cost (p/kWh) Average total annual cost (£/year) Exit cost (£/fuel) Green tariff?**
/ Fixed - 12 months Electricity 19.95 p* 19.340 p* £ 633.727* £ 0.00 ✖️
/ Fixed - 24 months Electricity 40.53 p* 33.180 p* £ 1,110.256* £ 0.00 ✖️
/ Fixed - 12 months Gas 21.67 p* 3.45 p* £ 493.15* £ 0.000 ✖️
/ Fixed - 24 months Gas 41.83 p* 9.44 p* £ 1,285.58* £ 0.000 ✖️

* Prices vary from one city to another, so we display national averages
* Based on 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year on average
** $Green_tariff_def_Eon$
Including 5% of VAT.

Eon Prepaid Tariffs

Eon also allows the use of prepaid meters. With this type of meter, you do not pay according to consumption, but charge the meter and the credit is slowly used up.

The costs for this tariff plan can be seen here:

Plan name Tariff type Type of fuel Is the tariff live? Standing charge (p/day) Unit rate cost (p/kWh) Average total annual cost (£/year) Exit cost (£/fuel) Green tariff?**
/ Prepayment Variable Electricity 29.23 p* 20.830 p* £ 710.833* £ 0.00 ✖️
/ Prepayment Variable Gas 36.14 p* 4.11 p* £ 625.20* £ 0.000 ✖️

* Prices vary from one city to another, so we display national averages
* Based on 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year on average
** $Green_tariff_def_Eon$
Including 5% of VAT.

Eon Economy 7 Tariffs

Eon provides Economy 7 fares for customers with an Economy 7 meter as well.

As previously mentioned, these tariffs have two separate tariffs, one for peak consumption periods and one for off-peak consumption periods.

The charges for these tariffs can be viewed here:

Plan name Tariff type Type of fuel Is the tariff live? Standing charge (p/day) Day Rate (p/kWh)* Night Rate (p/kWh)p* Average total annual cost (£/year) Exit cost (£/fuel) Green tariff?**
/ Economy 7 - Standard Variable Economy 7 29.56 p* 26.08 p* 13.81 p* £ 714.839* £ 0.000 ✖️
/ Economy 7 - Fixed 12 months Economy 7 20.03 p* 22.66 p* 11.5 p* £ 1,075.325* £ 0.000 ✖️
/ Economy 7 - Fixed 24 months Economy 7 40.61 p* 40 p* 20.87 p* £ 675.441* £ 0.000 ✖️
/ Economy 7 - Prepayment Economy 7 29.33 p* 24.91 p* 12.26 p* £ 594.371* £ 0.000 ✖️

* Prices vary from one city to another, so we display national averages
* Based on 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year on average
* Assuming the average Economy 7 tariff user consumes around 58% of his energy on peak and 42% off peak.
** $Green_tariff_def_Eon$


Is HUB Energy still trading?

No, as of August, 2021, HUB Energy has ceased trading.

What supplier was I transfered to?

All HUB Energy customers have been switched to E.ON Next as their new energy supplier.

Why did HUB Energy go out of business?

HUB Energy was unable to cover the expenses associated with supplying energy to its customers, and as a result went out of business.

How will my Hub Energy tariff be impacted?

HUB Energy customers that were under contracts at the time that HUB Energy went bust will be allowed by E.ON Next to continue with the same contract until it expires. However, customers will not be allowed to renew this contract and instead will need to switch to an E.ON or E.ON Next tariff.

Updated on 29 Jan, 2024


Journalist & copywritter

Baylee Konen is an American journalist with a passion for creativity. She graduated with two Bachelor's Degrees in Journalism and Spanish from the University of Missouri-Columbia located in Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A. She is now based in Barcelona, Spain working on the UK SEO team for papernest and studying her Master's degree in Brand Strategy at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She also is a freelance photographer.


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