We can help you find a better energy deal and save on household bills


At Switch-Plan our mission is to help you find the best energy deals and give you all the information you need to keep your utility bills as low as possible. With the cost of living at records high during the current energy crisis, you'll find lots of advice on deal types and guides on how to keep costs down. Unfortunately, most providers have stopped taking on new customers so we can't provide any quotes for you to switch to a new deal at the moment.

Last update: November 2022

We're still trying our best to find you the solutions you need to make savings, so do have a look through our website and please leave us your phone number so we can contact you about future deals.

Energy crisis: what are my options?

You can see how you tariff compares to the current live tariffs available right now. For now, you best option might be to stay with your current supplier.

  1. Contact your provider to see if you can switch to a cheaper tariff. If you're struggling to pay your bills, ask they what help they can give you
  2. Find ways to reduce your consumption and stay informed on energy saving schemes.
  3. Leave your phone number with us and we'll give you a call as soon as the situation changes, or save on other household bills such as your boiler cover!

What are the current prices for energy today?

Average price of electricity today
50.65 p per KWh
For live electricity tariffs on 04/03/2025
Average price of gas today

15.73 p per KWh
For live gas tariffs on 04/03/2025

Updated on 29 Jan, 2024


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