How to find and compare gas and electricity quotes?


An estimate of how much your energy will cost is one of the first things you should do when shopping around for a new energy supplier. Gas and electricity quotes give you an idea of how much your new supplier will charge you for your fuel. It is important to understand these quotes when setting up gas and electricity in a new home. When you receive these quotes, you can then compare these figures with your current energy payment.
Last update: November 2022

Average price of electricity today
50.65 p per KWh
For live electricity tariffs on 26/03/2025
Average price of gas today

15.73 p per KWh
For live gas tariffs on 26/03/2025

If you’re not familiar with gas and electricity pricing, these quotes can be confusing especially when setting up gas and electricity in a new home. Most energy companies will give you a variety of prices including p/kWh and daily standing charge. You may also see a number of other potential charges on your gas and electricity quotes. Understanding exactly what all of these numbers and fees mean will help you find the supplier and the tariff, that’s right for you.

How to get a gas and electricity quote from an energy supplier?

Before they give you a quote for your gas and electricity, most energy suppliers ask you to provide a few pieces of information. This is because the amount you’ll pay for your gas and electricity will vary depending on a number of factors including your location and your energy consumption. In most cases, you’ll need to provide the following:

  1. 📩 Your post code
  2. ⚡️ Your average energy consumption
  3. 🏡 The size of your property
  4. 💡 The type of energy tariff you’re currently on (e.g. Economy 7, standard, prepayment)

Once you’ve provided all of this information, you’ll be presented with a choice of quotes. The number of quotes you have to choose from will vary by supplier. While some energy companies only offer one or two tariffs, others have five, ten or twenty different options.

What are the estimated energy use figures for gas and electricity quotes?

When getting a quote, you’ll be asked to provide estimated energy use figures. This tells your potential gas and electricity supplier how much energy you currently consume. This is important as a lot of suppliers offer specific tariffs for high or low energy use customers.
If you’re not sure how much energy your household consumes, the easiest way to find out is to check your most recent energy bill. This should tell you exactly how much energy you used in the last month. If you don’t have a bill handy, you can estimate the amount of electricity or gas you consume based on the average usage of similar properties.

What is the average gas consumption?

The table below shows the average use of low, medium and high-consumption households:

👨‍💻 Consumption rate
🔌 Usage (in kWh)
Low 8,000
Medium 12,000
High 17,000
Most homes in the UK use gas to power their central heating. The larger a property is, the more radiators it’s likely to have and the more gas it’s probably going to use. While estimating energy usage isn’t always easy – after all, some people like to keep their homes at tropical temperatures while others prefer to have the thermostat just above freezing – you can look at the average usage of similar-sized properties to see how much you might be using.

In general, 1-2 bed properties are considered low usage homes, 3-4 bed houses are medium consumption and properties with 5+ bedrooms are high use. However, well-insulated properties are likely to use a lot less gas than poorly insulated homes. Households can also reduce the amount of gas they consume by investing in an efficient boiler and central heating system.

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What is the average electricity consumption?

Electricity consumption can also vary significantly between homes. While some households have energy-saving lights, turn appliances off at the plug and minimise the number of electricity-sapping gadgets they use, others don’t put any limits on their energy consumption.

The table below shows the average electricity consumption for low, medium and high-use homes.

👨‍💻 Consumption rate
🔌 Usage (in kWh)
Low 1,800kWh
Medium 2,900kWh
High 4,300kWh

Like gas, electricity use tends to be higher in larger homes. Bigger properties have more light bulbs, more appliances and - generally - more residents. As a result, electricity bills for large 4-5 bed properties are a lot more than those for small 1- 2 bed homes.

What affects the cost of your energy bill?

There are a lot of factors that affect the cost of your energy. Some of the most influential are:

  • 💵 Wholesale energy prices
  • 📈 Supply and demand
  • 🚗 Transport costs
  • 🏙 Infrastructure maintenance
  • 🧐 Availability
  • 🌎 Your region

If you opt for a fixed rate tariff, these variables won’t change the amount you pay once your tariff is up and running. Your gas bill shouldn’t be affected by changes in the price of fuel or by other external factors. Instead, you’ll fix the amount you pay with your energy supplier at the start of your contract and this will stay the same until the fixed period comes to an end.


If you choose a variable rate, these factors will continue to impact your energy bill. This could see the cost of your gas and electricity fluctuate every month.

Although there are a lot of things you can’t influence when it comes to your energy bill, there are some that you can control. These include the following:

  1. 🚨 Energy tariff
  2. ⚡️ Energy consumption
  3. 💰 Chosen payment method

For example, the amount of energy you consume will have a big impact on your monthly bill. Working to reduce how much gas and electricity you use will help you cut your energy bill.

How to cut your gas and electricity bill?

There are several ways to cut your bills. A few ways include the following:

  1. 👨‍💻 Shopping around for a better deal will also help you cut how much you pay - While some tariffs offer cheap rates and affordable standing charges, others ask you to pay over the odds for your energy.
  2. 🛍 Your chosen payment method - This can have a surprisingly large impact on how much you pay. This is because energy companies prefer customers to pay by Direct Debit and so offer financial incentives to encourage them to do so. If you don’t currently pay by Direct Debit, switching to the payment method could see you earn annual discounts on your energy bill.
  3. 🔌 Charge your phone, laptop, tablet etc. at night when energy is cheaper.

You might want to also check out some energy saving tips that you can use with both your current and new supplier.

Compare gas and electricity quotes

How to switch?

Putting your details into a number of different energy sites can be tiring and confusing. Instead of comparing prices manually, use an impartial comparison tool to find the tariff that’s right for you. Our Switch Plan can help you find the right supplier and the right deal, it can also take care of the switching process for you.

What is deciphering my gas and electricity quote?

Gas and electricity quotes can be complicated. Providers will often list a range of charges and fees and a lot of suppliers give their tariffs strange names or descriptions. Working out exactly what you’re being offered is essential if you’re going to choose the deal that’s right for you.

Additionally, if this is your first home, you might be unaware of some of the conditions relating to gas and electricity quotes for first-time buyers. The hyperlink above will take you to our related article catering specifically to new homeowners.

What is kWh electricity price?

KWh, also known as kilowatt hour, is the amount in pence that you’ll be charged for every kWh of electricity you use. The kWh price should be listed clearly on your electricity quote. However, in some cases, you may need to look at the small print to find out exactly how much you’ll be charged.

There are three different tariffs you can choose from. This include:

  1. Fixed rate tariff - the kWh price will stay the same for the duration of your contract
  2. Variable rate deal - which can fluctuate every month.
  3. Economy 7 tariff - You’ll see two kWh prices listed for your electricity. One will represent the amount you’ll pay during the day, and the other will be the cheaper rate you’ll pay for seven hours at night.

What are kWh gas prices?

Like electricity, gas prices are quoted in terms of kWh. This should also be clearly displayed on your energy quote. You’ll notice that gas is a lot cheaper than electricity. On average you’ll pay between 3-4p for every kWh of gas you use. However, as households generally use a lot more gas than electricity, the total cost of your gas and electricity consumption will probably be about the same.

What is a standing daily charge?

Another figure you’ll see on your gas and electricity quote is a standing charge. This is the amount you have to pay your energy provider for connecting you to the grid. You have to pay this fee every single day, even on days when you don’t use any gas or electricity. You’ll have to pay one standing charge for your gas and another for your electricity. This normally adds up to around 60p per day.

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🤨 How estimated energy use is calculated?

If you don’t provide your energy company with regular meter readings, they’ll estimate your usage. Most energy companies do this by looking at your past energy consumption. They may also take seasonal factors into account. For example, they’ll charge you more in the winter to cover the cost of extra heating and lighting.

If you want your bills to be as accurate as possible, send your supplier meter readings every month. Alternatively, get in touch to find out if you can get a smart meter. These handy devices automatically read energy meters and send the figures straight to the supplier. This ensures your bills are always spot on and that you’re never overcharged for your energy.

🔥 How to get a gas and electricity quote?

Most energy suppliers can provide you with a quote via their website. However, if you want to compare deals to find the best tariff for you, it’s a good idea to use an impartial comparison site like our Switch Plan.

👨‍💻 What is the average cost of gas and electricity in the UK?

On average, you’ll pay around 15p for a kWh of electricity and 3-4p for a kWh of gas. The average monthly electricity bill in the UK is currently £51. Dual Fuel customers pay an average of £104.50 a month for their gas and electricity.

💰 How to find the cheapest gas and electricity quote?

An impartial price comparison tool, like our Switch Plan, is the best way to find the cheapest gas and electricity quote available. Get in touch today to find out more.

Updated on 29 Jan, 2024

Alexander Striano

Consumer Energy Expert

Alex joined the papernest team as a SEO Project Manager Assistant for Broadband Plans. He has developed a real expertise on connectivity topics and works on delivering the best possible content to help you navigate your broadband in and outside your home.

Ilona Terradot

Switch Plan specialist

A French-Colombian student at EDHEC Business School based in Barcelona, Spain. With a strong passion for digital marketing, she works in the UK SEO team, overlooking the content and its optimisation on Broadband's websites.


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