Exactly one month ago today, a terrible explosion left all European countries on the edge of their seats. Intensifying the economic and energy crisis, the Nord Stream Pipeline burst just one month after Russia paused the project. Fast forward to one month later, this mysterious explosion remains unsolved. Who would do this and what was their motive?

What is the Nord Stream Pipeline?

The Nord Stream Pipeline is a natural gas pipeline that runs through the Baltic Sea. This pipeline is the main pipeline when it comes to energy production in Europe and was built to make a long-term contribution to Europe's energy security. It runs from Russia to Lubmin, Germany. The pipeline was actually separated into two different projects, Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, and both of these projects have two pipes: NS1 A and B and NS2 A and B.

These two pipelines are able to transport a total of 55 billion cubic metres of gas per year. The Nord Stream Pipeline has had a huge impact on the EU energy market since it has been reinforcing businesses and households for the past 50 years.

What happened to the Nord Stream Pipeline?

One month ago, on the 26th of September, there were a series of explosions and subsequent underwater gas leaks on Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2. However, before the pipeline burst, a pause has been placed on the project due to the dispute between Western countries and Russia.

Recently, on October 18th, the Danish police stated that they believe that there were powerful explosions that caused the hole in the pipeline. Due to this event, the 4 pipes are currently inoperable, putting the project on hold for even longer.

After more investigations, experts are now saying that the damage that has been caused clearly shows that the explosion was intentional and well-thought-out. Now, the Europeans are looking further into the problem as tensions continue to increase.

Who destroyed the Nord Stream Pipeline?

One month following the explosion of the Nord Stream Pipeline, we are still uncertain as to what or who sparked the incident. The only thing we know for sure is that powerful explosions caused this event. Several countries have instigated criminal investigations in an attempt to uncover who was behind this act of sabotage.

Which countries use the Nord Stream Pipeline?

As all of Europe leverages the benefits of the Nord Stream Pipeline, many nations were left in crisis following the explosion. Starting from Vyborg, Russia to Lubmin, Germany, this influential pipeline goes through the following countries:

  • 🇷🇺Russia - With territorial waters
  • 🇫🇮Finland
  • 🇸🇪 Sweden
  • 🇩🇰Denmark - With territorial waters
  • 🇩🇪Germany - With territorial waters

How did the Nord Stream Pipeline affect the economy?

When the pipeline was functioning, it was extremely helpful to the European economy. Overall, the pipeline helped keep costs low for important consumer goods like gasoline, natural gas and heating oil. This impacted the costs of the following groups:

  • 💰 Consumers
  • 🤝 Producers
  • 👨‍💻 Distributors
  • 🏭 Manufacturers

Over time, the Nord Stream pipeline has become crucial to meet the EU’s growing needs and demands. As expected, its sudden disruption has left many affected. Indeed, although this project was on hold before the explosion, the current situation has meant that we are no longer sure of when the pipeline can be reopened. This places us in an even more precarious position, as the shutdown of the pipeline has already shown to have a negative impact on the economy. In addition, the explosion could have a huge environmental impact, causing a disruption to the wildlife around it.

Fortunately, it's not all bad news. Although the Nord Stream explosion has made an immediate impact on the environment and economy, Europe has made great progress while getting ready for the winter. Europe has filled more than 80% of its storage in preparation for the winter season.


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