Octopus Energy in Abingdon in 2024
Octopus Energy in Abingdon
In Abingdon - energy consumption
How much do people consume on average in Abingdon?
Now that you know how much a kWh costs on average in Abingdon, it might be useful to put a value on this and see how much residents of Abingdon consume on average. Based on government data we are able to estimate that the average Abingdon inhabitant household consumes 3,755.47 kWh a year. The median consumption of that same household would be 3,242.50 kWh.
Who is the largest supplier of energy to the 15,728 households of Abingdon?
The most popular energy supplier in South East is British Gas. A large proportion of the inhabitants from large cities such as Oxford, Banbury and Abingdon get their energy from this supplier, and often they haven't actually switched at all. This means they could be losing a large sum of money. Some Brits have managed to save up to ยฃ400 a year on their energy bills simply by switching. So, although British Gas is the most popular supplier in your new area, don't feel that you are obliged to stick with them. We don't have anything against this provider, but switching itself can save you money. And our aim is to help you do that.
All Octopus tariffs currently available in Abingdon
As well as being reasonably priced, Octopus' tariffs are very unique, unlike most others on the market. They are all 100% renewable - both their electricity and gas, which is quite rare. Their customers are able to really get to know their energy usage, for example when is cheapest for them to use electricity. Moreover, when it comes to electric vehicles, Octopus have a lot on offer. Through their electric vehicle initiative, their customers can lease out electric cars at very reasonable prices, and even get their own charger and access cheaper rates to charge their vehicle. Their aim is to improve access to electric vehicles. Octopus offer both fixed and variable tariffs, and none of them have exit fees.
Two rates energy plans
Name of the Plan | Tariff value | Day Time Unit Price
price/kWh |
Night Time Unit Price
price/kWh |
Standing Charge
price/day |
Super Green Octopus 12M | 12 months fixed | 16.81 p |
9.18 p |
21.67 p |
Exclusive Octopus 12M | 12 months fixed | 17.69 p |
9.1 p |
21.67 p |
Helpful Octopus 24M | 24 months fixed | 16.81 p |
9.18 p |
24.57 p |
Flexible Octopus | Variable tariff | 17.48 p |
9.3 p |
20.43 p |
Helpful Octopus 24M | 24 months fixed | 16.81 p |
9.18 p |
24.57 p |
Stand alone electricity tariffs
Name of the Plan | Tariff value | Unit Price
price/kWh |
Standing Charge
price/day |
Super Green Octopus 12M | 12 months fixed | 15.03 p | 21.67 p |
Exclusive Octopus 12M | 12 months fixed | 14.97 p | 21.67 p |
Helpful Octopus 24M | 24 months fixed | 15.03 p | 24.49 p |
Flexible Octopus | Variable tariff | 15.52 p | 19.38 p |
Octopus Tracker/strong> | Variable tariff | 11.81 p | 18.52 p |
Octopus Energy's green energy contributions in Abingdon
Octopus Energy procures their energy from a combination of solar, wind, and hydropower. They claim to be UK's largest investor in solar power. In case you are wondering what their energy mix looks like, we have it for you below! * 75.3% wind * 31% solar * 3.7% hydropower In addition to purchasing their own energy, Octopus energy also generates it. One of their tariffs - the โSupergreen Octopusโ plan combines carbon-offsets with 100% renewable electricity. They do not offer carbon-neutral biomethane gas, which is typical of most green energy suppliers, such as Green Energy UK and Ecotricity.
Gas tariffs
Name of the Plan | Tariff value | Unit Price
price/kWh |
Standing Charge
price/day |
Super Green Octopus 12M | 12 months fixed | 2.96 p |
17.85 p |
Exclusive Octopus 12M | 12 months fixed | 2.28 p |
17.85 p |
Helpful Octopus 24M | 24 months fixed | 2.56 p |
25.04 p |
Flexible Octopus | Variable tariff | 3.2 p |
16.8 p |
Octopus Tracker | Variable tariff | 1.84 p |
15.09 p |
Frequently asked questions - some of the most popular in Abingdon
On average, how much does 1 kWh cost on with Octopus?
The unit rate for electricity is 16.61p per kWh. The gas unit rate is 2.89p per kWh.
What are some ways that I can save on my energy bills?
If you are looking to save on your energy bills - we have a complete guide for you! To save on energy bills you need to look no futher. This guide is exaustive, and includes everything we think you need to know to save. In case you are pressed for thime - here are a few basic tips that will help you save energy and lower your costs: * Shut your blinds during the day when the sun is at is strongest. In the sumnmer, your home will heat due to the warmth of the sun. If you have A/C that turns on during the day automatically, you might be counteracting with the sun heating your home, and could easily avoid this by drawing down the blinds before you leave for work. * Unplug your appliances. TV, stereos, computers take up energy even when not in use. Unglugging can improve your energy efficiency. There are so many ways you can save on energy consumption, which is good for the planet and great for your wallet! Even so, there are more savings to be had if you switch suppliers! Give us a call at 0330 054 0022.
Is it free to switch to Octopus Energy?
Yes! It's free to switch suppliers. Give us a call at 0330 054 0018 We will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision, and can make the swtich for you!
Does Octopus Energy provide smart energy meters?
Yes, Octopus Energy supplys smart meters to their customers. These allow energy consumers to better track their usage and spending by transmiting your usage data directly to the supplier. This is great because you need never again worry about inaccurate bills caused by estimates or have the inconvenience of reading your meter and reporting your usage.
Switching to Octopus Energy Abingdon - everything you need to know.
Switching energy suppliers has an unfair reputation for being overly difficult and time-consuming. It's unfair because it's not true! If after reading our guide on Octopus Energy in Abingdon, you decide that they are the best energy supplier for you, then why not give their representatives a ring and they can carry out the whole switch for you, from start to finish. If, however, you decide that you want to shop around for an alternative energy plan, then you can ring up our experts who can switch you over to the best plan currently on the market, that is made for you. Give us a ring on 0330 054 0018, to find out more. Switching energy suppliers will allow you to make savings on your energy bills as well as find a rate more suited for you and your home. On the following page about switching energy suppliers, you can learn about all the benefits of switching as well as the process involved. If you decide to switch providers, note that you will need to provide the following information. * Properties postcode * Energy supplier * Energy tariff * An average monthly energy bill * Energy bill (not older than 3 months) * MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number)
How can Abingdon inhabitants ring Octopus Energy in Abingdon?
If you want to reach Octopus Energy's customer service directly, call them on 0330 808 1080, or on one of the numbers in the Table below. However, if you prefer to explore all the options for your energy supply call our experts on 0330 054 0018. Our energy professionals will advise you on the ideal supplier based on your needs in Abingdon
Type of Enquiry | Number to contact |
General Enquiries for Domestic Customers Email for general queries about your Octopus Energy home plan |
hello@octopus.energy Open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday |
General Enquiries for Business Customers Number for queries about your Octopus Energy energy plan |
business@octopus.energy Open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday |
Domestic customers: general enquiries Call this number for general enquiries about your energy plan |
0808 164 1088 Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm |
Business customers: general enquiries 24 hour number for boiler emergencies |
020 3389 56138 Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm |
Complaints number Number to complain about your Octopus Energy plan |
0333 344 22688 Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm |
Octopus Electric Vehicles Phone number to speak to customer services as a small business |
020 870 38928 Monday to Friday 9am-5pm |
In Abingdon, how do you power your new home?
Setting up Octopus in your new home in Abingdon
Like with any big change, there are some steps that you need to complete before you move house. One easy step that might save you money is to take a meter reading before you move. This way, youยดre not paying for energy that you did not use! Once you have the meter reading and Meter Point Reference Number you are good to go! But, just to be sure, check out our moving checklist so that you won't leave anything behind! * The most important thing! Before moving, take a meter reading so that you do not need to pay for energy that you haven't used. * After you have your meter reading, it's time to sort out your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN). * Once your MPRN is sorted, you are then clear to move without having to worry about paying for energy that you didn't use. In case you have any doubtยดs we have more extensive guides dedicated to moving into a new build and moving into a rented house. Setting up your gas and electricity in a new home can be difficult, especially when moving to a new city like Abingdon. When you move, until you switch to a new supplier or tariff with your current supplier, you will be put under a โdeemed contract' or the standard tariff of the previous homeowner's supplier until you switch. You can make the switch by calling your chosen supplier or, to make things a bit easier, by calling us at Switch Plan to help you find the best deal. We suggest that you switch out of the deemed contract as soon as possible because it is usually more expensive than your typical tariff.
How do I sort out an energy transfer in Abingdon?
You can keep the same supplier when moving house in most instances if you so wish. We have a guide on how to manage an energy transfer. Before digging in, we will explain a few factors that could affect whether you will be able to keep your supplier or not. Such factors include: * The presence of a prepayment meter on your new property * How far you've moved from your original residence * Whether your new property uses electricity, gas, or dual fuel * Whether you have upgraded/downgraded the size of your home. * Your new home's estimated energy consumption These factors all affect the tariffs that will be available to you in your new home. If Abingdon is far away from your original location, your tariff could be much more expensive than it was prior to your move. So if your bill goes up in costs, we highly recommend that you switch energy suppliers and look at the best deal for your area. We're more than happy to help you navigate the best switch for you! Just give our experts a call at the number on the top of the screen.
How to connect to the grid in Abingdon?
Once you move to your new home in Abingdon there are steps you will need to follow to connect to the grid so that you can receive your energy supply to both power and heat your home. It is likely that your property is already connected to the grid, however in instances that it's not, e.g., when you are building a new home, follow the steps below. (The vast majority of the 15,728 houses in Abingdon are already connected so the list below is for those that are building a new property. * Call the National Grid Energy Transmission (NGET) on 0800 688 588 in order to arrange a pre-application meeting. This meeting is about the workload, timeline and cost of the project. * Submit application forms to the Electricity Systems Operator (ESO) - don't be surprised by the application fee! * A team will then come to your property for an assessment and will send you a quote in 1 to 3 working weeks. * Enjoy your power!
Who should I get in contact with before moving to Abingdon?
You've recently moved to Oxfordshire, and we have a comprehensive moving house checklist for you to help make your life a bit easier. There are some organizations that are important to notify, and here we will cover just the basics - trust us, notifying will make your life easier! These include: * Government/local bodies - You won't be able to change your address until you move in, but once you do, it is necessary to update your address with the DVLA. Doing so will make sure that your license and vehicle registration is updated. * Insurance providers - To be sure that your insurance does not become void. * Banks and financial institutions - Make sure that your banks, credit cards, and any other financial lenders are aware of your new contact details.
Abingdon's local gas & electricity distribution
What should I do if I experience a power cut in Abingdon?
What is the first step when experiencing a power cut? Check the source. If you look at the fuse box and notice any switches have been turned off, it might have been caused by a fuse that tripped in your home's circuit. Whether it is your fuse box or a cut in your neighborhood in Oxfordshire, it's important to know what to do if you ever experience a power cut. If the power cut occured when switching on an appliance or light, it's quite likely that it's just in your home in Abingdon. Alternatively, the cut could be one that is in your area and often is from an interrupted power line connected to your home. This can happen when: * Lightning has struck a utility pole * A power line has been damaged or knocked over. * Transformers have been shut down If it's one in your area, it's best to call your local distribution network operator directly on the following number 0800 029 4285. In Abingdon, your local DNO is UK Power Networks. A team will likely be dispatched to resolve the issue.
Who is the electricity distributor in Abingdon?
An electricity distribution network operator is responsible for the cables and towers which carry electricity across your region and to your front door. Most have no idea how the distribution network operator system works or who they even are, since customers never see their distribution network operator. But, you might want to know how to get in touch in moments of importance. Want to know who distributes electricity in Abingdon? We've got you covered! No need to look any further for your local DNO. In Abingdon your electricity distributor is UK Power Networks.

How can I contact the energy distributor for Abingdon?
Experiencing an electricity power cut in Oxfordshire, or facing an issue with your gas supply? You might want to get in touch with your distribution network operator directly; they can help you if you need some up to date information, and can be quite useful as a point of contact when there is an issue such as a power outage. Contact information below:
Company name | Company number |
UK Power Networks General Number | 0800 029 4285 |
UK Power Networks Emergency Number | 0800 31 63 105 |
SGN Number | 0800 912 1700 |
SGN Emergency Number | 0800 111 999 |
UK Power Networks | UK Power Networks website |
SGN | SGN website |
Who is Abingdon's gas distributor?
Some of us in our spare time wonder, "Where does the gas and electricity that powers my house come from and how does it travel across however far it needs to go to get to my home?" For those of us who are curious, we have all of the information for you! If you're interested in getting in touch with your gas distribution company to have this and other questions answered, your gas is provided by SGN in Vale of White Horse District. Gas is distributed through a pretty complex system of pipes called the Gas Distribution Network, which manages the transportation of gas around the UK. Should you ever have an additonal technical queries, they can be solved by your gas distributor in Abingdon, as well as any other questions regarding your gas supply. You can also go directly to your supplier for similar questions:

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