Scottish Power in Windhill and Wrose Ward: Tariffs & contact details
How do I get the best energy deal in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
Due to the energy crisis, our services are currently suspended. Leave us your phone number and we’ll call you back as soon as we can.
How much energy do Windhill and Wrose Ward inhabitants consume on average?![]() The average energy consumption in Windhill and Wrose Ward is 3,318.85 kWh per year, and the median is 2,883.24 kWh per year. |
The energy crisis in Windhill and Wrose Ward Switching energy suppliers in Windhill and Wrose Ward Cheapest supplier in Windhill and Wrose Ward Best suppliers in Windhill and Wrose Ward
How bad is the energy crisis in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
As a result of the UK energy crisis, energy prices have soared across the country. This results from an increase in the wholesale cost of energy, meaning that suppliers have needed to raise their tariff prices to survive.
The crisis has hit the UK fairly hard, causing 62 energy suppliers to go bust. Also, the remaining suppliers have stopped taking on new customers, making it really tricky to switch suppliers at the moment. However, there are still 27 energy suppliers left, and many of them will be available in Windhill and Wrose Ward! Once the crisis has settled, we recommend switching suppliers to make sure you’re on the best deal for your home.
Where can I find the cheapest energy suppliers in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
Currently, the cheapest energy supplier in the UK on average is Octopus. However, your energy prices will depend on your household consumption and location. Therefore, there isn’t really one single cheapest energy supplier.
Who has the cheapest gas tariffs in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
We’ve done the same thing for cheap gas deals, check out the list below:
What are the cheapest electricity deals in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
Using the national average we've put together a list displaying the cheapest electricity deals in the country. These are also available in Windhill and Wrose Ward:
Is there anything else I should do before moving to West Yorkshire?
How can I connect my home to the energy grid in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
Most households in Windhill and Wrose Ward have already established a connection to the grid. However, new houses may not have established a connection yet. To connect to the grid, you’ll need to:
- 📅 Schedule pre-application meeting: Call 0800 688 588 for the National Grid Energy Transmission (GNET). They’ll help you arrange this.
- 🔋 Apply to the Electricity Systems Operator (ESO)
- 🏡 Have a team visit your home: They’ll make sure you establish a solid connection to the grid and will suggest a cable route for your new home.
- 🧾 Around 5-15 days later, you’ll receive a quote.
- 📞Let your regional DNO know: You can reach Northern Powergrid directly at 0800 011 3332

Who should I tell before I move to Windhill and Wrose Ward?
In order to ensure that your bills are sent to your new property, make sure you let the following people know of your new address:
- 🇬🇧 Local council and the electoral roll
- 📱 Broadband and mobile providers
- 📺 TV licensing authority
- 🚗 DVLA in order to update your driving license
- 💡 Gas and electricity providers
Where can I reach the gas and electricity distribution network operators in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
Gas and electricity distribution network operators (DNOs) are responsible for ensuring that the infrastructure of your power supply is intact. Here’s a table with the Windhill and Wrose Ward DNO’s contact:
🌐 Phone Line | 🕰 Call Centre Opening Hours | 📞 Telephone Number |
West Yorkshire Northern Powergrid Emergency Number | 24/7 | 0800 375675 |
West Yorkshire Northern Powergrid Non-Emergency Number | 24/7 | 0800 011 3332 |
West Yorkshire Cadent Gas Emergency Number | 24/7 | 0800 111 999 |
West Yorkshire Cadent Gas Non-Emergency Number | 24/7 | 0345 835 1111 |
Is it easy to switch energy providers in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
Yes! All you’ll have to do is:
- ⚖️ Compare the energy tariffs offered by providers in Windhill and Wrose Ward
- 🙌 Choose your ideal energy plan
- 💰 Select how you’d prefer to pay - we’d recommend Direct Debit as it’s usually the cheapest
- 🕰 Wait 14 days for your suppliers to process the switch
- ✅ And that’s it!
Do I have to switch energy companies when moving to Windhill and Wrose Ward?
No - you can absolutely keep your existing energy supplier! In fact, during the energy crisis, we’d recommend that you do this. To do this, you’ll just have to ensure that your name is on the energy bill at your new address and notify your current supplier that you’re moving at least 48 hours beforehand.
How do I find the best energy providers in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
The best energy suppliers are right under the tip of your nose - you just have to know what to look out for. We’ll list a bunch for you, showing you the best suppliers from the cheapest, to the greenest.
Who is the main energy company in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
The most commonly used energy supplier in Yorkshire is Npower.. Npower is also the most popular provider in West Yorkshire generally, also holding the title as the main supplier in Leeds, Bradford and Huddersfield. If you’re looking for popular suppliers in Windhill and Wrose Ward, try some of these:
- British Gas in Windhill and Wrose Ward
- EON in Windhill and Wrose Ward
- OVO in Windhill and Wrose Ward
Which energy suppliers are the most reliable in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
As we mentioned, 62 energy suppliers have gone out of business because of the ongoing crisis. However, there’s still 37 active suppliers that are going strong. Some of our favourites are:
Who supplies the greenest energy in West Yorkshire?
Currently, the greenest energy supplier in the country is Green Energy UK. They offer 100% renewable electricity and 100% renewable gas. While there are plenty of suppliers that falsely claim to be renewable, there are some genuinely great green suppliers in the UK:
Who is the highest rated energy supplier in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
Octopus Energy is heralded as the most awarded supplier in the UK after winning eleven awards last year.
According to TrustPilot, here are some of the best rated energy suppliers in the country:
FAQs about energy in Windhill and Wrose Ward
⚡️ Can I generate my own electricity if I live in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
Yes, you can generate your own electricity in Windhill and Wrose Ward. However, it will depend on the type of home you have. For instance, those living in apartment complexes may need full agreement between all the building's residents and the complex manager before any renewable energy generation methods are put into.
💵 Does it cost money to switch energy providers in Windhill and Wrose Ward?
Switching to a new energy plan in Windhill and Wrose Ward will often cost you an exit fee for breaking your existing contract prematurely. Especially during the current energy crisis, some exit fees can be up to a whopping £300.
❓Why is my energy bill different after moving to Windhill and Wrose Ward?
Your location will affect the cost of your energy. As a result, simply moving to certain regions of the UK could see your energy bill rise.
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